USAfrica: As Egypt’s corrupter-in-chief Mubarak slides into history’s dustbin, Egyptians Not waiting for Obama and United Nations. By Chido Nwangwu

USAfrica and contacts in Cairo say that some of the key local opposition leaders who spearheaded the revolt against Mubarak are saying that “ElBaradei is about to reap where he has not sowed enough.” The reality is that he is more acceptable for the U.S., Israel and the Western hemispheric powers as the next, likely President of the 78million Egyptians who will not rock their boat as contrasted to another member of the Egyptian armed forces or less likely a member of the radical, minor conservative Muslim Brotherhood. Amidst all these, like most dictators, Mubarak does not know, any more, he is an emperor without clothes…. It’s been, to put it tidily, a revolting, tawdry and sorry image. when, what day, what hour for Egypt’s corrupt dictator Mubarak to completely slide into history’s dustbin. Good bye to bad rubbish!