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January 20, 2010 early reports from Port-au-Prince in Haiti, show that another earthquake has hit in Haiti, according to the USGS; with a magnitude 6.1 quake hitting the state 56 km from the capital Port-au-Prince.
The most dominant after-shock so far struckHaiti on Wednesday, tremor more rubble from damaged buildings, and sending screaming people running into the streets eight days after the country’s capital was shocked by an apocalyptic earthquake.
The magnitude 6.1 Richter scale temblor was the largest of more than 40 significant aftershocks that have followed the January 12 earthquake; the extent of further damage or injuries was not instantly clear.
Wails of horror rose from frightened survivors as the earth trembled at 6:03 am US soldiers, and tent city refugees equally raced for open ground and clouds of dust rose in the city, video on new 2nd Haiti 6.1 aftershock given below and pictures.
Last week’s magnitude 7 Richter scale earthquakes killed an approximate 200000 people in Haiti. ref: USAfricaonline.com wt wire reports