Radical Islamic group claims responsibility for suicide bombing at Nigeria Police headquarters; Police chief Ringim survives attack
Special to USAfricaonline.com

USAfrica, June 16, 2011: A rare and daring suicide bomb assault on the police headquarters (parking lot) in Nigeria’s capital, Abuja, on Thursday June 16, 2011, has left 2 persons dead, several others wounded and dozens of cars burnt. The two are reported to be the suspected suicide bomber and a police traffic warden.
A major survivor of the attack is Nigeria’s Inspector General of Police Hafiz Ringim.
USAfrica sources say that Ringim’s car convoy had just made it into the headquarters.
Remarkably, the radical and anti-Western Islamist group Boko Haram has claimed responsibility, via the VOA, for the unusual attack.
Nigerian police spokesman Olusola Amore has said that: “The criminal elements behind this dastardly act will be fished out as the government, the police and other security agencies will not succumb to the demands of any criminal group or individuals.” He believes the Boko Haram executed the attack.
The same group claimed responsibility for a series of bombings that have killed more than 56 persons in 4 months in Abuja, near Abuja and in Borno State; in part their protesting, violently, the election and inauguration of President Goodluck Jonathan over a northern Muslim candidate.
USAfrica notes that the methods of suicide bombing is an unusual and brazen method in Nigeria’s political and religious conflicts. Also, there has been relative calm for the past 60 days in the restive Niger Delta, the home region of Jonathan. By Chido Nwangwu, with USArica reporters in Nigeria.
Why Chinua Achebe, the Eagle on the Iroko, is Africa’s writer of the century. By Chido Nwangwu,Publisher of USAfrica, and first African-owned, U.S-based newspaper published on the internet USAfricaonline.com https://usafricaonline.com/chido.achebebest.html
Pat Utomi’s power of ideas into Nigeria’s 2011 presidential elections. By Chido Nwangwu. https://usafricaonline.com/2011/01/16/pat-utomi-power-of-ideas-into-nigerias-2011-presidential-elections-by-chido-nwangwu
Why Chinua Achebe, the Eagle on the Iroko, is Africa’s writer of the century. By ChidoNwangwu,Publisher of USAfrica, and first African-owned, U.S-based newspaper published on the internet USAfricaonline.com https://usafricaonline.com/chido.achebebest.html
If the police can be bombed, then enough is enough as the president said on facebook today