South Africa gets elected to U.N Security Council
Special to USAfricaonline.com
The 192-member U.N. General Assembly has elected South Africa to one of the two-year seats on the U.N. Security Council. South Africa got 182 votes on Tuesday October 12, 2010, in New York. It has become one of five non-permanent members with non-veto-holding membership of the 15-nation security council, generally seen as “the powerhouse of the United Nations with the authority to impose sanctions and deploy peacekeeping forces.”
The other new members are Colombia which got 186 votes, India won 187 votes, Germany won 128 votes, and Portugal got a narrow entrance after Canada avoided a struggle for a run-off. Their terms will begin in January 2011 and end in December 2012.
South Africa has since May 1994, following its non-racial and democratic elections emerged as the economic and political powerhouse of the African continent.
USAfrica Publisher and its editors have published several reports and features on South Africa and the great Nelson Mandela.
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