Idris Elba, renowned film star and leading figure in the development of a smart city in Sierra Leone, states that he embraced the project to challenge prevailing stereotypes about Africa. Collaborating with Siaka Stevens, the grandson of Sierra Leone’s former president bearing the same name, Elba is spearheading the construction of an eco-city on the rural Sherbro Island, situated off the coast of West Africa. This initiative is in partnership with the renewable energy company Octopus Energy Generation, with plans for a wind and solar farm to supply power to the island’s residents.
In Sierra Leone, where less than a third of homes have access to electricity, Elba envisions a self-sustaining economy that fosters growth and independence, despite potential challenges in profitability. Emphasizing a shift away from the traditional aid-based model associated with Africa, Elba seeks to redefine perceptions by cultivating an environment conducive to business, innovation, and tourism, while concurrently empowering local communities.
In an interview with BBC Newsday, Elba underscored the city’s dual objective: attracting commerce and fostering innovation while serving as a destination for tourists and supporting indigenous populations. Additionally, he intends to establish a film studio and a retirement residence for his mother, who hails from Ghana and has familial roots in Sierra Leone.