New York City Tax charges: Nigeria owes $16 million?
USAfrica: The News & Opinion Leader for Africans and Americans.
Special to USAfrica multimedia networks, Houston., CLASSmagazine, The Black Business Journaland Nigeria360@yahoogroups e-group
New York City has filed suit in the U.S federal district court for the Southern District of New York against the federal government of Nigerian government for taxes, estimated at almost $16million.
The office of the mayor of New York City is alleging that Nigerian government failed to pay real estate taxes and other charges for commercial offices and other non-tax exempt spaces in the 22-story building it owns at 828 Second Avenue, in Manhattan, known as the “Nigeria House.”
According to Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s news release, his city is seeking between $4.1 million and $16 million in unpaid taxes, and other charges and interest fees.
The New York news radio 1010WINS notes that although the “Nigeria House” is home to tax-exempt offices like the Nigerian Consulate and the Nigerian Mission to the United Nations, it also provides taxable commercial office space to some tenants.
The Gothamist notes that it’s unclear exactly how much the Nigerian government owes, because the nation’s government has refused to turn over documentation. So Mayor Bloomberg — who in 2003 filed similar suits against Turkey, India, Mongolia, and the Philippines — is seeking between $4.1 million and $16 million in unpaid taxes, charges, and interest from the country. notes that this is another load of international problem for the increasingly troubled Nigeria and Nigerians who are still wondering and pondering where their very ill president Umar Yar’Adua has been for almost 48 days.
Second, the New York tax conflict coming amidst Nigeria’s disagreements with the Obama administration over his classification of Nigeria (in the aftermath of the failed December 25, 2009 terror plot by a Nigerian Farouk Abdul Mutallab) as a country of “interest” on terrorism, seems one trouble too many.
By Chido Nwangwu (with the NY City news release, and wire reports)
I disagree with Julius. It is a problem. It amounts to gross negligence and rubishing of our image as a nation. Talk about rebranding.
But we need to take it a step further. I strongly believe this is a case for the EFCC. I can bet my last penny that someone somewhere has stolen the money meant for that purpose.
It's not a problem. We earn $160 million every single day from crude oil sales. Dis money be small small.