Ojukwu’s family says Feb 2 burial date not finalized; Nnewi and Igbo tradition to be followed before fixing date
Special to USAfricaonline.com, the USAfrica-powered e-groups of IgboEvents, Nigeria360 and UNNalumni, CLASSmagazine and PhotoWorks.TV

By Chido Nwangwu.
As the world was informed by the Anambra State Governor Peter Obi that February 2, 2012 will be the burial of the former leader of the defunct Republic of Biafra Ikemba Nnewi Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu, another major omission of Igbo tradition and Nnewi burial protocol seemed to have been made: the failure to allow the immediate family, kith and kin of the Ikemba to, formally, inform the traditional ruler (Igwe) of Nnewi about the iconic leader’s death.
Consequently, the first son of the Ikemba, Emeka Odumegwu Ojukwu, Jr. has issued a statement from Nigeria’s capital of Abuja seeking and assuring the need to fulfill Nnewi and Igbo tradition. He stated unequivocally, that the the Ojukwu family promises the Igbo nation and the Ikemba’s well-wishers that “we will ensure that their hero, the late Eze Igbo Gburugburu is buried in a manner that is right, deserving and befitting for a man of his stature.”
The following is the text of the statement obtained by USAfricaonline.com and IgboEvents:
“Following persistent calls and inquiries about funeral arrangements for my late father, I, Emeka Odumegwu Ojukwu (Jnr.), on behalf of the family hereby state as follows:
1. It will be premature to start talking about funeral arrangement for my late father now in the sense that my father is from a certain family and a certain place and we have our traditions. The tradition demands that my late father’s kiths and kin and the royalty in his hometown, Nnewi, Anambra State should first be informed of the death of their son before there can be any talk of funeral arrangements. Unfortunately, we are yet to do this because most of us travelled out to the United Kingdom immediately the death of Eze IgboGbugburu was known. However, let me inform all concerned that we have already set up an internal funeral committee headed by Dr. Ojukwu, my late father’s senior brother. Some other family members including myself are also members of the Committee. This Committee is going to meet very soon to determine how we are going to tell my late father’s kinsmen in Nnewi of the death of their illustrious son. Of course, everybody knows that it happened, but tradition demands we officially inform them.
2. His Excellency, Governor Peter Obi who is also the Chairman of South East Governors is quoted to have announced February 2, 2012 as the burial date for my father. Let me also on behalf of the family confirm that the date was one of the possible dates suggested to His Excellency, President Goodluck Jonathan, who had expressed his desire to be part of the funeral proceedings. But it should be noted that like I said before that the family has not met to formally fixed dates for any events to be included in the funeral proceedings. But we recognised the fact that for the President, time is a very scarce commodity and we are grateful that he wants to pay his respects personally. Therefore, we will, as a family try to accommodate the February 2, 2012 date when drawing out our plans for the funeral. But if this is absolutely not possible, we will respectfully go back to the President with other options.
3. Also, the particular date Eze Igbo will be interred will be announced after the meeting of the family and when all the appropriate things have been done. This should however not be construed in any way to imply that the family is not working alongside the South East State Governors. The fact is that we quite appreciate the various steps the South East Governors have taken since the death of Dim.
Once we have a programme it incorporates a date which is ideal for the President, we will go back to the royal fathers and get them to bless our decisions. And once they have done that, we will now go back to the Governors through the Chairman, Governor Peter Obi to inform them of the decision. Then at that point, we would make an announcement so that the public will know our plans for the funerals.
4. Let me assure all that as a family we will ensure that their hero, the late Eze Igbo Gburugburu is buried in a manner that is right, deserving and befitting for a man of his stature.”
Several private and non-governmental groups, according to contacts and inquiries to USAfrica, are interested in participating in the funeral and rites of passage for the charismatic, controversial and beloved Ojukwu.
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