2 explosions rock central Nigerian city of Jos
Special to USAfricaonline.com, and USAfrica multimedia networks, Houston. Follow USAfrica at Facebook.com/USAfricaChido , Facebook.com/USAfrica247 and Twitter.com/Chido247
Two blasts rocked the central Nigerian city of Jos on Sunday, the police said, in the latest unrest to hit the region. “I can confirm that there were two explosions in Jos this evening. One happened at the Bauchi motor park and the other at Yantaya, near the mosque,” Plateau state police spokesman Abuh Emmanuel told AFP.
He could not immediately say if there were any casualties but added that police officers had been sent to the scene. “Our men have moved in to evacuate the victims,” he said, refusing to give further details.
Witness Mohammed Sani Abubakar told AFP the first explosion went off around 9:14 pm (2014 GMT) at Bauchi road shopping complex, near the Bauchi motor park and the University of Jos.
“A second explosion was heard about four minutes later,” he said, adding that it occurred close to the popular Yantaya mosque. Abubakar said a van and several other vehicles were seen transporting some of the dead and injured to the hospital.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the blasts but Jos, the capital of Plateau state, has been repeatedly attacked by the Boko Haram Islamist group.
In February, at least 17 people were killed when a twin blast hit a bus park in the city.
Boko Haram: SkyNews London interview wt USAfrica Publisher Dr. Chido Nwangwu on BOKO HARAM vs BUHARI (Nigeria’s President inaugurated May 29, 2015). Interview on May 30 (Houston) May 31 (London) 2015
VIDEO #CNN special #CHIBOK Girls n #BokoHaram Live intvw wt the Founder of USAfrica multimedia and public POLICY
networks Chido Nwangwu. CNN anchors John Berman n Michaela Pereira.
Forthcoming 2015 BOOK: In this engaging, uniquely insightful and first PERSON reportage book, MANDELA & ACHEBE: Footprints of Greatness, about two GLOBAL
icons and towering PERSONS
of African descent whose exemplary lives

specialist and founder of USAfricaonline.com, the first African-owned U.S-based newspaper published on the INTERNET

•Dr. Chido Nwangwu, moderator of the Achebe Colloquium (GOVERNANCE, SECURITY
, and PEACE
in Africa) December 7-8, 2012 at Brown UNIVERSITY
in Rhode Island and former ADVISER
on Africa business/issues to the Mayor of Houston, is the Founder & Publisher of Houston-based USAfrica multimedia networks since 1992, first African-owned, U.S-based newspaper published on the INTERNET
USAfricaonline.com; CLASSmagazine, AchebeBooks.com, the USAfrica-powered e-groups of AfricanChristians, Nigeria360 and the largest pictorial events megasite on the African diaspora www.PhotoWorks.TV . He was recently profiled by the CNN International for his pioneering works on multimedia/news/public policy projects for Africans and Americans. http://edition.cnn.com/video/#/video/international/2010/07/29/mpa.african.media.bk.a.cnn E-MAIL
: Chido247@Gmail.com