‘Beyond Aspiration’, JFK and notes on founding of USAfrica.
By Chido Nwangwu
Special to USAfricaonline.com, and USAfrica multimedia networks, Houston. Follow USAfrica at Facebook.com/USAfricaChido , Facebook.com/USAfrica247 and Twitter.com/Chido247
One of the remarkable, transformative leaders of the 20th century whose vision and mission moved mankind ‘beyond aspiration’ is John F. Kennedy (JFK), ex president of United States. Hear him: “We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.” [Address at Rice University, September 12 1962]
I know that ‘beyond aspiration’ JFK took man to the moon!
First, I believe that at the center of achieving and operating ‘beyond aspiration’ is a summary of vision.
Second, you must have what I call that creative impetus and soaring courage to propel your determination to succeed and transform your environment — no matter the odds.
Third, beyond the mortal arrogations and the flawed genius of men and women, we must seek the extraordinary grace of God,
On my part, I left Nigeria for the US in August 1990 with media aspiration, faith in God’s kindness and U.S$150 in my wallet as I arrived JFK airport in New York. After clearing the immigration and customs, I had my ‘Welcome to America’ hustle. The taxi driver who took me to nearby LaGuardia airport dealt me through my first ‘The more you look the less you see experience’ in America. He charged me $100 for the short trip and I was left with $50 only. Without any fanciful description, the taxi driver made me a ‘mugu’ — the Nigerian slang for the person who’s conned.
In 1992, I established USAfrica, with headquarters in Houston, Texas. Beyond my vision [aspiration], I have since almost 24 years walked and worked with a formidable team and the support of our international communities to establish the authoritative, pioneering, respected and foremost multimedia company for Africans and Americans that I named USAfrica. That is, Aspiration Beyond $50! •Dr. Chido Nwangwu, moderator of the Achebe Colloquium (GOVERNANCE, SECURITY
, and PEACE
in Africa) December 7-8, 2012 at Brown UNIVERSITY
in Rhode Island and former ADVISER
on Africa business/issues to the Mayor of Houston, is the Founder & Publisher of Houston-based USAfrica multimedia networks since 1992, first African-owned, U.S-based newspaper published on the INTERNET
USAfricaonline.com; CLASSmagazine, AchebeBooks.com, the USAfrica-powered e-groups of AfricanChristians, Nigeria360 and the largest pictorial events megasite on the African diaspora www.PhotoWorks.TV . He was recently profiled by the CNN International for his pioneering works on multimedia/news/public policy projects for Africans and Americans. E-MAIL
: Chido247@Gmail.com WIRELESS
1-832-45-CHIDO (24436).

specialist and founder of USAfricaonline.com, the first African-owned U.S-based newspaper published on the INTERNET

Hey my bro Chido.daalu
Hey my bro Chido.daalu
Nwoke oma, ndewoo
Nwanneukwu! This smile is too much. Una de enjoyooo! You look great.
Nwoke oma, ndewoo
Nwanneukwu! This smile is too much. Una de enjoyooo! You look great.
Mazi with beautiful smile
Mazi with beautiful smile