LIVE on New York's WWRL news/issues show from 6.32am EST on Tues January 5, 2010, USAfrica's CHIDO Nwangwu
is the guest of CNN & NY DailyNews contributor Errol Louis. Insights n debate of Nigeria, Mutallab n terrorism listing/profiling issues....
plus live streaming via the web...
USAfrica: Our international community's News & Opinion Leader.
U.S official on 'Why U.S added Nigeria, Nigerians to enhanced terrorism risk list' » USAfricaonline.com special report
Obama confirms Mutallab trained by al Qaeda; Republicans attack Obama for "slow response" USAfricaNewswire, Jan 2, 2010
USAfrica multimedia networks, Houston. USAfricaonline.com
Nigerian Terror suspect's Houston visit raises questions....
USAfrica's Publisher Chido Nwangwu speaks to Houston Chronicle
Also see, The Mutallabs: contrasting terror-bound son Farouk and business mogul father Umar. Special report by Chido Nwangwu.
Alhaji (Dr.) Umar Mutallab is a man whose relatively mild-mannered public persona has been snatched from him; snatched by the most unlikely person: his own son, Farouk Abdul Mutallab.
FULL commentary at USAfricaonline.com https://usafricaonline.com/mutallabs-chido-usafrica
USAfrica and USAfricaonline.com (characterized by The New York
Times as the largest and, arguably, the most influential African-owned, U.S-based multimedia
networks) established May 1992, our first edition of USAfrica magazine
was published August 1993; USAfrica The Newspaper on May 11, 1994;
CLASSmagazine on May 2, 2003; www.PhotoWorks.TV in 2005