First on USAfrica: Fashola on Achebe’s Biafra explosive book, live at Achebe colloquium.
By Chido Nwangwu, Founder & Publisher of USAfrica multimedia networks (Houston), first African-owned, U.S-based newspaper published on the internet, n
USAfrica: On a chilly Friday of December 7, 2012, Babatunde Raji Fashola, the popular Governor of Lagos State of Nigeria, flew into Rhode Island as a special guest and plenary session speaker at the Achebe colloquium on Africa. At almost 4:46pm,

he commenced his prepared speech with off-the-cuff remarks on a wide range of issues.
After a string of brilliant philosophical arguments regarding Africa’s renaissance to chronicling several remarkable achievements of his governorship, he cautiously stepped into thorny grounds….. Around the end of his impressive 38 minutes message, he carefully navigated the heated debates, the minefields of strong support and personal attacks which have followed Prof. Chinua Achebe’s latest 2012 work of history, poetry, education and creative exposition titled ‘There Was A Country: A Personal History of Biafra.’
Gov. Fashola, standing at the podium almost 15 feet away from Achebe, told the galaxy of African, American, European and Asian scholars, researchers, students, activists and business executives that the heat generated by the book almost made him look for a reason to avoid the event rescheduled for him from the 2011 colloquium, almost 300 days ago.
He said, according to the notes at the colloquium: that after reading just about half of the book “I wanted to write Prof. Achebe to give him reasons why I cannot attend today’s occasion….” He said he was under pressure from his immediate Yoruba constituency.
He immediately ordered the new book to be mailed to an address in England, he would be traveling to– at the time. The man said he needed to read the book to know and understand why there was so much passion against and for the book; especially against the book by people of his ethnic group, majority of his supporters. “I’m Yoruba. Prof. Chinua Achebe is an Igbo. I’m a student of Things Fall Apart; things were No longer at Ease, but the center still held…”, he added, to applause from the audience, a play on words about some of Achebe’s novels.
Fashola, a senior advocate of Nigeria, whom I, as moderator of the 2012 Achebe colloquium on Africa, described a few minutes before his speech as “the governor who has shown himself as a worthy example of good governance in Nigeria” appealed to the dueling groups over Achebe’s new book on Biafra to calm things and “move forward.”
Consequently, during the Q&A session, he was asked by Prof. Obi Nwakanma (a contributing editor of and staff of University of Central Florida): “When will the wounds of the war heal?”
In a frank, brief answer, Fashola said the wounds may heal but the scars will be there; adding that, in his view, the new generation of Nigerians want to move beyond the issue.
In a remarkable context for him and the audience, Fashola pointed out, according to the notes at the colloquium: “I was only 4 years old” when the 1967-1970 Nigeria-Biafra war started.
But there were more follow-up questions, including the ones which raised the issue of the brutal devastations and genocidal killings held against Nigerian soldiers and wartime leaders (especially the late Chief Obafemi Awolowo, as reiterated by Achebe in his new book, extensively quoting Awolowo’s own words).
Gov. Fashola blamed the national information management system and its failure to document and release official information about events like the war for the heated disagreements.
(USAfrica and will post more from Fashola’s comments to the USAfrica question on whether he will contest the 2015 presidential elections, and other issues which were featured in Chido’s live-blogging of his speech/remarks on USAfrica’s Facebook page and •Special report by Dr. Chido Nwangwu, Founder & Publisher of USAfrica multimedia networks, first African-owned, U.S-based newspaper published on the internet; and recipient of several journalism and public policy awards, was recently profiled by the CNN International for his pioneering works on multimedia/news/public policy projects for Africans and Americans.
Nigeria’s Federal Republic of Insecurity. By Chido Nwangwu, Publisher of USAfrica, and the Nigeria360 e-group. : IF any of the Nigerian President’s 100 advisers has the polite courage for the extraordinary task of reminding His Excellency of his foremost, sworn, constitutional obligation to the national interest about security and safety of Nigerians and all who sojourn in Nigeria, please whisper clearly to Mr. President that I said, respectfully: Nigerians, at home and abroad, are still concerned and afraid for living in what I call Nigeria’s Federal Republic of Insecurity. FULL text of commentary at
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VIDEO of the CNN International broadcast/profile of USAfrica and CLASSmagazine Publisher Chido Nwangwu.
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• Nigeria’s bin-Laden cheerleaders could ignite religious war, destabilize Africa. By USAfrica’s Publisher Chido Nwangwu. 310 killed by Nigeria’s ‘talibans’ in Bauchi, Yobe n Maiduguri; crises escalate. on July 28, 2009.
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News archives related to Jos, here 310 killed by Nigeria’s ‘talibans’ in Bauchi, Yobe n Maiduguri; crises escalate. on July 28, 2009.
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In the light of an icon, my mentor Stanley Macebuh (1942-2010). By Chido Nwangwu
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USAfrica: Ikemba ODUMEGWU OJUKWU’s farewell in Aba, today February 28, 2012, reflected a fitting tribute, historically meaningful celebration, proper regard and deserving appreciation of the greatest Igbo, in my opinion, to have ever lived (like him or hate him).
I SALUTE Aba (aka Enyimba city), the robust and fearless town I was born, bred and raised, for giving the Ikemba, our Ochiagha, Gburugburu, Oka oburu uzo, dike na ndu ma n’onwu, mgbadike anyi, a hero’s farewell.
To the Ikemba, may your valiant soul rest in peace and dignity.
We will, and I, Chido Nwangwu, will never forget to continue to tell my generation and the next about your towering courage through tempest and thunder; through sorrow, pain, tears, blood…. •Dr. Chido Nwangwu, Founder & Publisher of USAfrica multimedia networks, first African-owned, U.S-based newspaper published on the internet; and recipient of several journalism and public policy awards, was recently profiled by the CNN International for his pioneering works on multimedia/news/public policy projects for Africans and Americans.
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Ojukwu trouble and Ikemba titles. By Chido Nwangwu
• For seasoned insights and breaking news on these issues, log on to and USAfrica powered e-groups including Nigeria360 at yahoogroups and USAfrica at googlegroups. Follow us at and
A good book is the purest essence of a human soul. By Carlyle Thomas.
Some books leave us free and some books make us free. By Ralf W. Emerson. They say time ripens all things and that time itself is an element. To speak and speak well are two things ; talking and eloquence are not the same; a fool may talk but a wise man speaks.
After reading THERE WAS A COUNTRY my spirit was down & I had goose pimples; This book represents in every sense the darkest nadir of our protracted history as a Nation. They say that every moon has it's dark side and that an Ostrich Bird cannot hide it's full body by putting it's head alone in a hole. This is the Biafran Holocaust experience. The Igbo survival will & fate do contrary run that our devices still are overthrown in today's Nigeria.
The most unforgiving part of the Book is Chief Awolowo's punitive fiscal policies against an impoverished , tired, bruised, psychologically traumatized Biafran people- comprised of dying children & old women just after the war. What an irony that such erudite financial wizard should put his calculus brain to such infamy & evil application tells a lot about the human mind. It will forever remain indelible as one of the greatest war crime in the minds of the Igbo-race, every generation passes it to their children – His action was an OVER-KILL for soldiers/people that has fallen down already.
Every nation is governed by it's imagination. HORACE summed up the Igbo spirit when he wrote " The greatest thing in the world is to know how to be sufficient unto oneself" this book is a glossary of things we wish to cover under the carpet of history; I appreciate that Prof Achebe as ever has the AUDACITY to turn the dark side of our war history to the sun…. now we can see, feel, think about our collective purpose in moving today's Nigeria forward….. when you read the book – you either like it or hate it depending on your tribal extraction.
Congrats Dr. Chido Nwangwu for a wonderful moderation of this iconic event..
Stanley C Acholonu (Award winning film Director/Writer).