OBAMA & SECURITY: U.S Secret Service has revealed that a BULLET hit a window at the White House; bullet stopped by bulletproof glass….
Special to USAfrica multimedia networks, Houston
Concerns over the safety of the first African-American president of the United States are increasing in the minds of many, according to
USAfrica news index monitor, in the light of latest reports about bullet and shooting incidents at the White House.
It has not been confirmed if the bullets found by investigators are linked to Friday’s incident. Meanwhile, the U.S Park Police spokesman David Schlosser has announced that officers had obtained an arrest warrant for 21-year-old Oscar Ramiro Ortega, on a felony charge of carrying a dangerous weapon, in connection with the incident. An AK-47-style rifle was recovered from an abandoned car Friday night after Secret Service officers heard shots being fired between two vehicles on Constitution Avenue, shortly after 9pm, from a distance of only about 800 meters from the White House.
President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama were in California at the time of the shooting on Friday; from there they went to Hawaii for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum.
Today, Wednesday November 16, as the news of the bullets’ discovery broke, President Obama had landed thousands of miles away in Canberra (Australia) for a brief 28-hour visit.
Chido Nwangwu, Publisher of USAfrica multimedia networks, Houston
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