USAfrica’s Founder Chido Nwangwu, Gen. Teidi get honorary Doctorate of Humanities degree
Lagos: The U.S.-sponsored, leading international christian education college/seminary in Africa and an affiliate of the University of Nigeria (UNN), WATS, during its 20th Anniversary events May 20-23, 2009, in

Lagos, awarded two of its first honorary Doctor of Humanities degrees to the Founder of the USAfrica multimedia networks and data mining corporation Chido Nwangwu, and retired Gen. Samuel L. Teidi, member of the Board of Directors of one of Africa’s largest corporations, Dangote Flour Mills.
The keynote speaker at the anniversary is Prof. Pat Utomi, a former candidate for Nigeria’s presidency in 2007 and one of the African continent’s leading public policy analysts. Since 1992, WATS has been officially affiliated with the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (Nigeria’s first indigenous university).
Speaking on behalf of he board of trustees of WATS, its founder and acting provost Dr. Gary Maxey, an American missionary, said “it’s such a high honor for an institution with moral and ethical foundations to honor the two who count among Africa’s most dedicated professionals, former former Commandant of Nigeria’s School of Ammunition retired Gen. Teidi and USAfrica’s Founder Chido Nwangwu who is recognized and respected as the most influential and authoritative African-born multimedia executive in the United States.”
It was Gen. Teidi’s second honorary degree; having received a Doctor of Science degree from St. Clement University in Australia.
Dr. Maxey adds that “Chido Nwangwu earns this 2009 Honorary Doctor of Humanities degree in respect and recognition of his almost 25 years of authoring, broadcasting and articulating hundreds of original, authoritative public policy advocacies and for his strong and consistent position of fighting authoritarianisms and bigotry in order to foster a better environment for people of all races and backgrounds towards the pursuit of life, liberty, happiness and dedication to God’s grace. He actively supports christian education. He served as an advisory board member on international business to the former Mayor of Houston (America’s 4th largest city) and he is the first continental African admitted as member of the 100 Black Men of America.”
The Twentieth Anniversary celebrations will include a number of activities, including a three-day conference tagged “The Power of the African-American Pulpit,” and features the teaching and preaching of Dr. Ralph Douglas West (Church Without Walls, in Houston, Texas), Dr. Maurice Watson (Beulahland Bible Church, in Macon, Georgia), and Dr. Sola Aworinde (Agape Bible Church in Lagos). The other recipients of honorary Doctor of Divinity degree are Rev. Leroy Adams, Rev. Donald R. Plemons, Rev. Bernard Dawson, Rev. B.C.K. Obiako and Alan Bullock.
Dr. Maxey makes the point: “we are honoring, in part, Chido’s 25 years of effectively utilizing the multimedia of print, tv, radio, internet (especially the USAfrica multimedia networks, the CNN, BBC, VOA, South African Broadcasting corporation, Nigeria media outlets and numerous international platforms) to empower and foster a focused transnational exchange between Africans and Americans. We recall that America’s flagship newspaper The New York Times recently cited Chido Nwangwu and his USAfrica networks as the largest and arguably the most influential African-owned U.S-based media corporation.”
Chido who is based in Houston-Texas is the Founder & Publisher of the first African-owned, U.S based newspaper to be published on the Internet, CLASSmagazine, The Black Business Journal, USAfricaTV,, the e-groups of AfricanChristians, IgboEvents, Nigeria360,, and other platforms.
Dr. Maxey also notes that retired General Teidi “is being honoured by the Seminary for his contributions to humanity and as a long-time supporter of WATS. For decades Gen. Teidi has made continuous provision for orphans, widows and others in destitute circumstances, including sponsorship of education up to the university level. He is instrumental to the admission of over 850 Nigerians on a subsidized scheme basis.”Teidi, chairman of Overseas Agency Nigeria Limited, was commissioned into the Nigerian Army in 1969 following his graduation from the Nigeria Defence Academy (NDA) in September 1969. He has since furthered his military and academic training and obtained a diploma from the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, UK; B.Sc. (Applied Physics) from the Council of National Academic Award (CCNA); M.Phil (Atmosphere Physics).
Congratulations, Chido merits the honorary Doctor of Humanities degree…
By Temple Chima Ubochi
Bonn, Germany
Friday, May 15, 2009 in, excerpted from commentary
Please permit me here and now to congratulate Chido Nwangwu, for the honorary Doctor of Humanities degree he will be awarded on May 23, 2009. Chido will be receiving the honorary award from WATS, which is the leading international christian education college/seminary in Africa, during its 20th Anniversary events May 20-23, 2009, in Lagos. WATS will award one of the two of its first honorary Doctor of Humanities degrees to Chido Nwangwu who is the Founder of the USAfrica multimedia networks and data mining corporation. Since 1992, the WATS diploma and degree programs have been affiliated with the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (Nigeria’s first indigenous university).
The founder and acting provost of WATS, Dr. Gary Maxey, an American missionary, said “it’s such a high honor for an institution with moral and ethical foundations to honor one of those who count among Africa’s most dedicated professionals. That USAfrica’s Founder Chido Nwangwu is recognized and respected as the most influential and authoritative African-born multimedia executive in the United States!
I agreed with Dr. Maxey intoto when he added that “Chido Nwangwu earns this 2009 Honorary Doctor of Humanities degree in respect and recognition of his almost 25 years of authoring, broadcasting and articulating hundreds of original, authoritative public policy advocacies and for his strong and consistent position of fighting authoritarianisms and bigotry in order to foster a better environment for people of all races and backgrounds towards the pursuit of life, liberty, happiness and dedication to God’s grace. He actively supports christian education. He served as an advisory board member on international business to the former Mayor of Houston (America’s 4th largest city) and he is the first continental African admitted as member of the 100 Black Men of America.”
Dr. Maxey went on to say: “we are honoring, in part, Chido’s 25 years of effectively utilizing the multimedia of print, tv, radio, internet (especially the USAfrica multimedia networks, the CNN, BBC, VOA, South African Broadcasting corporation, Nigeria media outlets and numerous international platforms) to empower and foster a focused transnational exchange between Africans and Americans We recall that America’s flagship newspaper The New York Times recently cited Chido Nwangwu and his USAfrica networks as the largest and arguably the most influential African-owned U.S-based media corporation.”
For those who do not know: Chido who is based in Houston-Texas, is the Founder & Publisher of the first African-owned, U.S based newspaper to be published on the Internet, CLASSmagazine, The Black Business Journal, USAfricaTV,, the e-groups of AfricanChristians, IgboEvents, Nigeria360,, and other platforms.
Chido merited this award and he deserves the very best of awards for his hardwork and service. I know that we will be hearing more of such goodnews for Chido in the future. He has carved a niche for himself. I can only add: Chido nwannaa, jide nke iiji (keep it up). As a fellow lion (UNN alumnus), fellow UNN Students´ Union official during our days at the university (although we served in different sessions) and a fellow Aba brought up, I owe Chido this congratulation. He should accept it.
Chido’s success is a source of pride to many of us. It is good to rejoice with our people who are doing marvellously well in their field of endeavour.
Temple Ubochi
USAfrica, Houston. June 5, 2009
Dear Temple: I googled my name and saw your kind and gracious notes a few minutes ago, dateline Bonn, Germany. May God bless you for your kind words and encouragement.
We had a very blessed and worthy event. I did not know that so many of our folks, Africans and Americans, had so much respect and appreciation for the modest, growing efforts we make at USAfrica. We are even more humbled by these graces, support and prayers.
I returned from Nigeria n London last Thursday.
Jisie ike, and I will always remember/
Chido Nwangwu, USAfrica.
From: Lady Mrs. Oyibo Odinamadu, former vice presidential candidate in Nigeria’s 1978-1979 elections; she holds a 1952 Bachelor of Arts in Education, History, Sociology, from the Lincoln University of Missouri, USA; Master of Arts in Education, Columbia University, New York, USA 1953. She is Knight of St. Christopher of the Church Of Nigeria.
Congratulations, my dear son, Dr. Chido!
It is with the greatest excitement and elation that I received the news of the acknowledgement and appreciation of your professional efforts and achievements by the WATS – the foremost international Christian College/Seminary in Africa – with the honorary doctorate Degree of Doctor of Humanities. Also the affiliation of the WATS with the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) is very noteworthy.
The honor cannot be more richly deserved or better fitted. You have more than worked for it; and I am sure that more of such recognitions are in the pipeline! As I have said before: You are one of the outstanding personalities that make the Igbo population to tick! You have done us – the Igbo, Nigerians and Africans – very proud indeed! Congratulations!
Nno-o! Jisie ike! Ike agwuna gi n’olu! Na gi nwe aka-a!
On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 12:54 PM, Oscar Juli8 <> wrote:
Chido, I am very proud of you for all your quiet achievements. You are not loud, yet you are heard all over the world. In your near extreme humility you are hardly ever spotted in boisterous events, still you are viewed globally. I believe that your wonderful personality accentuated by your excellent command of both the written and spoken English language have niched you in eminence. It would not be an exaggeration to describe you as a nulli secundus in authoritative US-Africa link authoring. Your candidacy in the forthcoming West Africa Theological Seminary (WATS) honorary Doctor of Humanities Award is another star added to your galaxy.
Chido, you are not only a source of pride to the Arochukwu Kingdom, you are more so to all Africans and African-Americans, even beyond to other peoples of the world who cherish literary excellence. Chido, if you do not mind, may I be the first to address you as Dr. Chido Nwangwu.
Okoro Oji.
On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 6:21 PM, Asagwara Ken <> wrote:
My Dear Brother Dr. Nwangwu:
Congratulations…. You are one brother I talk a lot about to my while friends and colleagues directing them to your website. It is needless to say, I am proud of you because I know you know that. Keep up the good works.
Really, I am looking forward to joining your organization in the near future, if circumstance permits it. Till then, keep shooting, my bros.
KC Prince Asagwara, Canada.
On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 3:20 PM, Uzo Udemba <> wrote:
Chido. I feel very vindicated. I thank God for the talents He has bestowed upon you. The harvest is indeed plenty but the laborers are very few…. It is my fervent prayer that God continues to bless us with many more like you.
Keep it up brother.
Uzo Udemba, Chairman TrendTV, Lagos
Dr. CHIDO NWANGWU, recently profiled by the CNN International for his pioneering works on multimedia/news/public policy projects for Africans and Americans http://edition.cnn.
The flagship of American media, The New York Times of September 23, 2003, noted that USAfrica is America’s largest African-owned multimedia company. The New York Times’ reporter Simon Romero wrote that Chido “Nwangwu recently created a magazine called CLASS for affluent Africans in the United States.” To be sure, it’s not only for the affluent but the willing and deserving. CLASS is the Africans-in-America’s own Ebony and People and GQ – all rolled into one unique product: an ultra-glossy magazine of African style, music, living, fashion and our younger generation interests. He calls the latter group ‘generation Class.’ CLASS is the magazine for successful, pioneering, style-pacesseting and exemplary Africans in America.
He appears as an analyst on the CNN, the Voice of America/WorldNet and the Black Entertainment Televsion (BET), as well a number of local U.S. tv and radio stations. Also, he was the only continental African publisher/reporter who traveled with and covered U.S. President Bill Clinton’s historic visit to parts of Africa, March-April 2, 1998; and covered Clinton’s visit to Nigeria in late August, 2000.
Chido served on Houston Mayor Lee Brown’s international business advisory board (Africa) and has been honored by the Washington-D.C.based National Immigration Forum for utilizing the media to fight authoritarianism and foster freedom of expression in parts of African continent. He has served on the board of the Houston chapter of the NAACP, and was the first continental African to be admitted to the 100 Black Men of America, here in the U.S.
Dr. Chido Nwangwu served as the moderator of the Achebe Colloquium (Governance, Security, and Peace in Africa) December 7-8, 2012 at Brown University, in Rhode Island.
In 2005, he established one of the most vibrant Africa community e-groups/blogs/community calendars for sharing info/announcements of upcoming and special events, insight to significant dates, festivals, events, resolutions/communique and historic milestones involving (or relevant to) persons, organizations and groups of Nigerian descent Nigeria360, the blog for the Igbo pan-African heritage, called IgboEvents; an Anglican community blog, AnglicanAfrican, and more. They are all powered by the resources of USAfrica and
Nwangwu speaks at colleges and businesses on technology issues, especially how the unfolding the digital world and the Internet affect Africans, African-Americans and recent immigrants. He served as a panelist at the 2000 British Broadcasting Corporation/Public Radio International global technology forum in San Francisco, California.
He served on the editorial board of the Daily Times of Nigeria in the 1989 into early 1990s, 1988-1989 assistant editor of the Platform magazine, African and The World journal. He began his professional career as a very young man in the news, sports and programs production/camera/editing departments of the Nigerian Television Authority. He contributes to The Mail and Guardian of South Africa, Houston Chronicle, and numerous U.S.-based and Africa issues publications.
In recognition of his engaging and pioneering digital design work on and other web sites, Chido was voted the #1 African-American web designer in 1997 by the Houston Association of Black Journalists. He has since conceptualized, designed and maintained through his company, USAfrica Digital Media, a number of web sites, including private corporations and such governmental sites as the Abia State of Nigeria first web site in 2001.
Nwangwu is author of the special report, Clinton’s Africa, and is writing a book on the experiences of recent African immigrants in the U.S.
He has been profiled in the Houston Chronicle (8th highest circulated newspaper in the U.S.), the Orlando Sentinel, Mail and Guardian of South Africa, and a number of other publications. Some of Chido Nwangwu’s works, bio-data and context of his writings were recently profiled in February, 2001 in a report in the Houston Press by prolific essayist and reporter John Suval.
He is the convener of the annual inter-denominational USAfrica Prayer Breakfast, which holds at 9am prompt on the last Saturday of every January, of every year, since 1999. He serves on the advisory board of several community building and international organizations including EVA (Education as Vaccine against AIDS-based in Nigeria and the U.S). He is an active new technologies analyst, television and multimedia executive, cross-cultural business consultant and an artist.
For speaking engagements, e-mail or call 713-270-5500. Wireless 832-45-CHIDO (24436)
Dear Dr. Chido Nwangwu,
This is a well deserved conferment. I am proud of your many accomplishments; in fact, this is the beginning of many more awards to come your way in the future –just keep up the good work that you have been doing. I am glad people and the world are now noticing what I have seen all these years of your hard work and philanthropy.
Ikegwuoha, Bernard-Thompson, Ph.D.
Chairman, PDP USA Chapter
Phone: 206-369-4666