Modern languages Professor Uju Anya at Carnegie Mellon University has become the subject of one of the most vıral commentaries shortly before and indeed after the news of the death today of the Queen of England
She set Twıtter aflame when she wrote a few hours before the Queen was announced dead. Prof. Anya wrote: “I heard the chief monarch of a thieving raping genocidal empire is finally dying. May her pain be excruciating.”
In a rather lame and unexplaıned response Twitter removed the post from account of Ms. Anya and suspened the account — as seen also by USAfrıcaonlıne com vısıt to her Twıtter account.
She also referenced the genocıdal kıllıngs of the Igbo of south eastern Nıgerıa (during the 1967–1970 brutal Nigeria- Biafra war as one of the uglıest spots on the perıod of the Queen’s reign.
USAfrica magazine and USAfricaonline.com (with research by their Publisher Chido Nwangwu) notes that “The British monarchy and the British government actively supported Nigeria and provided multiple loads of weapons Which led to the strangulation of Biafra. British soldiers were physically in Nigeria and provided “technical” support, strategically beneficial propaganda for Nigerian military forces against the short-lived but courageous Biafrans/south easterners. Britain provided critical diplomatic pressure against recognition of Biafra by other countries especially from the British Commonwealth countries. Britain, former colonial ruler of Nigeria also brought in border and air force intelligence.”
Prof. Anya’s father ıs Igbo (the main ethnic nation which led Biafra) whıle her mother ıs from the Carrıbean Islands.