Exclusive & Special commentary to USAfrica magazine (Houston) and USAfricaonline.com, the first African-owned, US-based newspaper published on the Internet.
Ukachukwu is a contributor to USAfrica
Despite whatever propaganda being perpetuated out there, there’s a resilient Black community in the United States of America awake and engaged in the past battles and current issues of our time.
This community is barely visible but definitely there. It doesn’t suffer fools well. This resolve is tested over and over again with the same result: you cannot bamboozle or, otherwise trifle with this progressive community.
Case in point: the recent ignorance, arrogance and coonery of Stephen A. Smith, a Black American, where the bombastic commentator volunteered himself as Candidate Donald Trump’s apologist in the latter’s attempt to fabricate the baseless “overwhelming” resonance his campaign is “enjoying” among Black voters (The Blacks — as he calls them).
Smith appeared on far-right conservative Sean Hannity’s talk show on the Fox News network where he amplified Trump’s ridiculous claim that Black Americans sympathize with Trump — based on what he and Trump characterized as Trump’s “oppression” by “the system”.
Smith then took it a step further by, implicitly, comparing Trump to the late Dr. Martin Luther King and other authentic Black civil rights activists.
This near-blasphemy lit the ire of the Black community. The blowback was immediate and unambiguous, driving the locqacious podcaster Smith to immediately embark on a full (albeit inauthentic) apology.
Something tells me that the he hasn’t yet felt the full heat yet.
His immediate recant may be seen as a result of lessons learned from the recent experience of Candace Owens, another loudmouth Black podcaster who recently lost her perch on high-profile platforms provided by white media for Blacks willing to disparage and minimize the Black painful experiences in the USA. The blowback faced by Owens was harsh and quick.
To be clear, nothing in reality suggests that Black voters are leaning towards voting for Trump in the upcoming November 2024 What? presidential election, despite the idle chatter about polls and trends.
One needs no further proof that the touted support for Trump is inexistent than his campaign hiring an obscure social media influencer to perform “spontaneous smitten fan” theater in a local fast-food restaurant in Atlanta as well as publicizing AI-generated photos Trump with ‘regular’ young Black folks.
Such antics are sufficient proof that outside of the loud fringe characters mostly spreading misleading falsehood in the media, the Black community doesn’t seem interested in Trump’s patronizing insolence.
An important takeaway for any community needing to understand how to resist infiltration of false thoughts into their body politic is understanding the pillars of the Black Community and how they function.
The Black media, as inadequate as it is, is very effective in combating and counteracting the waves of misinformation targeting Black America.

Secondly, the NAACP as an unshakable pillar of legal resistance stands ready to mobilize all mechanisms of the U.S legal institutions to fight against discrimination or injustice against the people of color.
Follow him @ChrisUkachukwu1