USAfrica magazine (Houston) and, the first Africa-owned, US-based newspaper published on the Internet.
Chris Aniedobe, an attorney and public policy analyst/contributor to
I love Elon Musk.
He may be the most intelligent human in his age bracket.
Honestly, I am in awe of this man.
He dreams big.
He wants electric vehicles to completely erase gasoline vehicles.
And he is doing it.
He wants Internet to reach every inch of the globe.
He has done it.
He wants to make Mars habitable.
He is getting there.
He wants humanoid and nonhumanoid AI to make life more efficient.
The age of AI is here.
Elon is simply an unbelievable genius.
Could be Thoth the Atlantean in another cycle of his mythical reincarnation because Elon probably comes from a different planet.
He bought Twitter and gutted it.
Who am I to question his genius.
Trump is so enamored of Elon that he made him Swamp Drainer in Chief and gave him blank check to reorder the entire US Federal Government.
No program is safe.
Agencies are being gutted.
Just like Twitter.
The depth and alacrity with which he took cudgel to Federal agencies is vertigogic.
Federal workers are being purged and decades of experience are being tossed in the trash like no one would ever need them.
Possibly Elon Musk has super efficient AI government workers all lined up to replace the swamp dwellers.
All good.
Elon can do no wrong.
But Elon is probably the Number 1 government contractor, today.
He has all sorts of deals with Pentagon snd NASA.
He gets paid billions on his space missions.
He has tentacles that are reaching everywhere in government under DOGE.
And he has potential pecuniary interests in those tentacles.
Haba. I can’t believe my training as a lawyer in America.
This is conflicts of interest as even a kindergartener can see.
It used to be a no no in America.
But today Congress appears to have given Elon a waiver on conflicts of interest.
Why not?
There is no one like him.
This is nose pinching obnoxious.
Congress must be spell bound.
How can arguably the biggest government contractor be the czar of government efficiency?
I feel so dumb. I don’t get this.
America that I knew would have asked him to first cure both actual and potential conflicts of interest before touching the government.
But that’s America that I used to know.
I am in shock and awe and just bewildered by the dizzying pace at which agencies are being gutted at the behest of a super government contractor.
Elon, this is counter cultural, contracultural, abcultural.
Full guttural evisceration of the almighty and envied Federal Government with no Congressional over sight at the behest of a government contractor!
Kai. My frazzled nerves could use Cannabis therapy.
Recuse thyself and stop trashing everything.
Experience is an inestimable treasure.
I get that nothing is off the table. Ya. But don’t hack at the foundations of America.
Call off the dumpsters, but first, dump thyself or stop dealing with government.
(Feb 11, 2025)