Malawi President Banda, Prof. Achebe and Nigeria’s Finance Minister Okonjo-Iweala listed in FP Global 100 Thinkers for 2012
By Chido Nwangwu, Founder & Publisher of USAfrica multimedia networks, first African-owned, U.S-based newspaper published on the internet, n Houston: The influential magazine Foreign Policy today released its list of the world’s leading thinkers for the year; what it assessed as “a unique portrait of 2012’s global marketplace of ideas and the thinkers who make them.”

It captured various demographics and regions of the world with the African scholars getting only three, namely Malawi President Banda, Prof. Achebe, and Nigeria’s Finance Minister Okonjo Iweala.
Banda, ranked #22, is applauded “For stepping in — and up — to fix a broken country.” The FP editors note that “Governing Malawi — where an estimated 75 percent of its more than 15 million residents live on $1 or less a day — presents enormous challenges, to be sure. But in just seven months Banda has largely thrown out her predecessor’s playbook, showing the world how to take charge and work to turn around a troubled country.”
A short but revealing story by FP magazine about power politics opened the insight to new President: “When Malawian President Bingu wa Mutharika died of a heart attack in April, it wasn’t immediately clear what would become of his vice president, Joyce Banda. The two had fallen out in recent years, with the increasingly autocratic president booting Banda from his political party in 2010. Even Mutharika’s wife publicly derided the smalltown veep — a longtime grassroots advocate for women, children, and the poor — scoffing, “She will never be president. How can a mandazi [fritter] seller be president?” After a tense two days in the wake of Mutharika’s death, however, Banda proved the first lady wrong, becoming Africa’s second-ever female president.”
Prof. Achebe, professor of Africana studies at Brown University in Rhode Island, ranked #68, is listed among other reasons “For forcing Africa to confront its demons.” Specifically, it’s a reference to the brutal events of the Nigeria-Biafra war (1967-1970) where almost 2.5 million Igbos/Biafrans were wasted in genocidal killings.
The globally-acclaimed writer and essayist is mentioned by FP as “A giant of contemporary African letters for more than half a century, Chinua Achebe is still best known for his 1958 novel, Things Fall Apart, which drew on oral traditions to tell the story of a Nigerian village transformed by colonialism and Western-imposed Christianity. He also achieved renown for his withering critiques of depictions of Africa by European writers, demanding a literature that traveled well beyond the Heart of Darkness clichés to reveal African realities, while urging Africans to be the ones to tell their own stories.”
The editors of FP also mentioned Achebe’s what I consider to be, at once, both very popular as well as controversial new book, There Was a Country – A Personal History of Biafra, as a critical discourse. “His book makes the case that the Biafran war — Africa’s first civil war to generate major international media attention — was a harbinger of African conflicts to come, from Rwanda to Congo to Sierra Leone, all of which have their roots in the arbitrary drawing of borderlines during colonialism, were exacerbated by natural resources, and proved the inability of the international community to stop the bloodshed.”
One of Africa’s leading technocrats, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, an alum of the World Bank and Nigeria’s Finance Minister is listed at #51 “For showing Africa how to break the resource curse.” Whatever that means! Okonjo-Iweala has done much more than break any mythical curse on Nigeria’s economy. She has championed, creditably, free market enhancement and deregulation.
Th editors of FP notes that “Okonjo-Iweala is arguably as influential in her role as the powerful finance minister of Africa’s most populous country and one of its fastest-growing economies. In a previous stint in the position, she successfully negotiated to wipe out millions of dollars of international debt, and since reassuming the post last year she has cut spending and helped establish a sovereign wealth fund to manage Nigeria’s oil riches. Her driving idea: African countries can’t hope to develop economically until they get their institutions in order.”
Among the big leaguers in the list are Bill and Hillary Clinton, Bill and Melinda Gates, U.S President Barack Obama, and several others. To be sure, the three listed thinkers by FP are very deserving. Regardless, on a list of 100 of the world’s great thinkers, I believe that Africa should have more three. I know 10 more….
Why Chinua Achebe, the Eagle on the Iroko, is Africa’s writer of the century. By Chido Nwangwu, Publisher of USAfrica, and first African-owned, U.S-based newspaper published on the internet
Obama’s Africa agenda, our business and democracy. By Chido Nwangwu, Publisher of and CLASS magazine and The Black Business Journal
VIDEO of the CNN International broadcast/profile of USAfrica and CLASSmagazine Publisher Chido Nwangwu.
USAfrica: As Egypt’s corrupter-in-chief Mubarak slides into history’s dustbin. By Chido Nwangwu.
Tunisia, Egypt . . . Is Nigeria next? By Prof. Rosaire Ifedi
Nigeria’s Federal Republic of Insecurity. By Chido Nwangwu, Publisher of USAfrica, and the Nigeria360 e-group. : IF any of the Nigerian President’s 100 advisers has the polite courage for the extraordinary task of reminding His Excellency of his foremost, sworn, constitutional obligation to the national interest about security and safety of Nigerians and all who sojourn in Nigeria, please whisper clearly to Mr. President that I said, respectfully: Nigerians, at home and abroad, are still concerned and afraid for living in what I call Nigeria’s Federal Republic of Insecurity. FULL text of commentary at
Related insight: USAfrica’s October 17, 2001 special report/alert: Nigeria’s bin-Laden cheerleaders could ignite religious war, destabilize Africa. By USAfrica’s Publisher Chido Nwangwu.
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USAfrica: As Egypt’s corrupter-in-chief Mubarak slides into history’s dustbin. By Chido Nwangwu.
Related and prior reporting on the Jos crises on USAfrica, click here:
News archives related to Jos, here
310 killed by Nigeria’s ‘talibans’ in Bauchi, Yobe n Maiduguri; crises escalate. on July 28, 2009.
Trump looks foolish and crazy screaming about Obama’s birth certificates, college records and Muslim connection. By Raynard Jackson
In the light of an icon, my mentor Stanley Macebuh (1942-2010). By Chido Nwangwu
Follow us at, n
• Nigeria’s bin-Laden cheerleaders could ignite religious war, destabilize Africa. By USAfrica’s Publisher Chido Nwangwu. 310 killed by Nigeria’s ‘talibans’ in Bauchi, Yobe n Maiduguri; crises escalate. on July 28, 2009.
Related and prior reporting on the Jos crises on USAfrica, click here:
News archives related to Jos, here 310 killed by Nigeria’s ‘talibans’ in Bauchi, Yobe n Maiduguri; crises escalate. on July 28, 2009.
Trump looks foolish and crazy screaming about Obama’s birth certificates, college records and Muslim connection. By Raynard Jackson
In the light of an icon, my mentor Stanley Macebuh (1942-2010). By Chido Nwangwu
The greatest Igbo ODUMEGWU OJUKWU’s great farewell in Aba. By Chido Nwangwu
USAfrica: Ikemba ODUMEGWU OJUKWU’s farewell in Aba, today February 28, 2012, reflected a fitting tribute, historically meaningful celebration, proper regard and deserving appreciation of the greatest Igbo, in my opinion, to have ever lived (like him or hate him).
I SALUTE Aba (aka Enyimba city), the robust and fearless town I was born, bred and raised, for giving the Ikemba, our Ochiagha, Gburugburu, Oka oburu uzo, dike na ndu ma n’onwu, mgbadike anyi, a hero’s farewell.
To the Ikemba, may your valiant soul rest in peace and dignity.
We will, and I, Chido Nwangwu, will never forget to continue to tell my generation and the next about your towering courage through tempest and thunder; through sorrow, pain, tears, blood…. •Dr. Chido Nwangwu, Founder & Publisher of USAfrica multimedia networks, first African-owned, U.S-based newspaper published on the internet; and recipient of several journalism and public policy awards, was recently profiled by the CNN International for his pioneering works on multimedia/news/public policy projects for Africans and Americans.
News: At Ojukwu memorial in Dallas Texas, USAfrica’s Chido Nwangwu challenges the Igbo nation to say never again like Jews.
Ojukwu trouble and Ikemba titles. By Chido Nwangwu
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